Mrs Bellerby will teach the class on a Tuesday afternoon while Miss Campbell has her PPA time.
PE takes place every Thursday morning. Children should attend school in their school PE kit on this day.
Forest School sessions take place every Friday morning. Please ensure you child have wellies and a waterproof coat in school at all times.
Your child will have an opportunity to visit the school library at some point in the week. Every child borrows a library book to take home and you can share it together. Simply return the library book to school when your child is ready to change it.
Every week your child will be provided with two scheme books to read with you at home. Please send these into school in your child's bookbag on a daily basis as we share these books with them in school. Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week at home. Please briefly record any reading at home within your child's reading journal. Thank you.
We also encourage you to practice Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) with your child at home (see information sheets above). A little and often approach to these work best.