At Chaddesley Corbett Endowed Primary School, we believe that regular attendance is essential for our pupils to reach their full potential and achieve academic success.
The Importance of Good Attendance Attending school regularly not only supports academic progress but also helps children develop essential life skills, such as resilience, responsibility, and social interaction. Every lesson missed can have a significant impact on a child's learning, and poor attendance can lead to gaps in knowledge and understanding, making it harder for them to keep up with their peers.
Supporting Families We understand that there may be times when absence is unavoidable, such as due to illness or family emergencies. In these cases, we encourage parents to communicate with the school and work with us to ensure their child's learning is minimally disrupted. Our dedicated staff are here to support families and help overcome any barriers to attendance, whether that's through providing access to wraparound care or working closely with external agencies.
Promoting our Vision and Values At the heart of our school's vision is the belief that every child deserves a rich, fulfilling educational experience in a safe, inclusive, and inspiring environment. By prioritising attendance, we are upholding our commitment to ensuring all pupils are happy, successful, and able to thrive. Our passionate staff work tirelessly to set high expectations and provide the support necessary for each child to reach their full potential.
Our Attendance Procedures
The school day begins at 8.45am. Morning registration opens at 8.50am. Children are expected to be in the playground between the time of 8.30am and 8.45am to allow for a smooth transition into the classrooms (Y1-Y6). Children need to arrive on time as activities start straight away. Late arrivals are very disruptive for both the office staff and the other children who have already settled to their morning tasks. The gates are locked at 8.50am. Any pupils arriving after this time, must enter via the main foyer and will be registered as late. School finishes at 3:20pm. If your child is absent from school:
Please call the school office before 9am on the first day of absence giving the reason for absence. You must contact us every day that your child remains absent from school.
We will record all reported absences on the school register.
If we have not heard from parent/carers by 9:30am with a reason for absence, we will contact all listed contacts until contact is made. If no contact is made, we may complete a home visit.
Medical Appointments Whenever possible, routine medical and dental appointments should be made outside school hours or in the school holidays. Non routine appointments, such as hospital or orthodontist appointments, will be authorised but we will need to see a copy of the appointment letter or text.
Term-time Holidays We are unable to authorise any leave of absence during term-time unless there are ‘exceptional circumstances.’ Holidays are not considered to be exceptional circumstances so are not authorised. All leave of absence during term time, must be made well in advance. If your child is taken out of school for a ‘holiday’ during term time then we must record this as unauthorised absence and penalty notice (fine) may be issued.
Please click here to access our request for leave form. Persistent Absence
Children are considered "persistently absent" if their attendance falls below 90%.
Take a look at our Kidderminster Primary School's Alliance poster as part of our collaborative approach to improving school attendance.